Home Bar Review Charcoal Green Bashamichi in Bashamichi, Yokohama

Charcoal Green Bashamichi in Bashamichi, Yokohama

by Rob
1 comment

Looking for lunch in Yokohama is a fun thing when you’re not hungry, but trying to find a place that offers food and craft beer is not easy. You’ve got Thrash Zone that offers great beer, but not much food, then there’s Babel Bayside Kitchen which offers great food but the beer selection varies greatly. With Charcoal Green, you have got three places to eat some grilled food, but only one, Bashamichi Green, is open at lunch time. Running late, I got there at 1pm, with only an hour left for some eating and drinking, even with the manager knowing us, it was always going to be a tight rush.

Bashamichi Green is located about a two minute walk from Bashamichi Station on the Minatomirai line and can be seen if you take the right exit. Unfortunately, I was walking from Kannai and walked past Baird Bashamichi Taproom, how I long for that place to be open during lunch times when I’m not working. As I sat down, I was presented with the beer menu; only four taps and one of those was an American import (Sierra Nevada Torpedo for those wondering), which left three taps of domestic craft beer and Kirin Heartland on tap. Well, that’s my decision made for me; three beers it is then.

Bashamichi Green Inside

Spacious and cool

The clientele at Bashamichi Green was a real mix of people. At one table, there was a group of housewives with their sleeping kids chatting away with some small beers, while at the table next to me were two office workers who appeared to be on a date (no names!). There is also counter seating for those who like to see their food being cooked fresh and their pints pulled cold.

Bashamichi Green Menu
Not much to choose from but what is present is great.
Bashamichi Green Beer 1
Yokohama Bay Brewing Amber Ale - smoky and crisp.
Bashamichi Green Beer 2
Gotemba Kogen Weizenbock - review here: https://beertengoku.com/2014/12/gotemba-kogen-weizenbock/

Beers at Bashamichi Green come in two sizes: medium at about 270ml for ¥720 and regular which is a US pint for ¥980. Prices are the same for all the craft beers: imported or domestic and prices included tax already. Starting off with the Yokohama Bay Brewing Amber Ale felt a little bit bad as the bar is about a ten minute walk away, but if you’re not open then how can I drink there? The beer came up perfect as I asked for it: minimal head. The Gotemba Kogen Weizenbock was also very damn tasty but I loved the canned version so knew what I was going to expect. Unfortunately, I didn’t get time to have the Sankt Gallen Porter as I just ran out of time.

Bashamichi Green Food 1
Bangers and mash for 1050yen. Really good value included a salad and dessert too.

The food at Bashamichi Green came highly recommended from a friend and looking over the menu, it was always going to be hard to choose until I saw the sausages and “mash” potato, which actually turned out to be potato salad. Never mind. The smoky sausage flavours worked brilliantly with the Yokohama Bay Brewing Amber Ale and were difficult not to eat more quickly. Lunch sets are available every day and include some bread or rice along with a salad and mini-dessert.

Bashamichi Green One Paragraph Review

The atmosphere at Bashamichi Green was chilled out and having a nice breeze coming through the restaurant was very welcome.  Having Bob Marley and other reggae artists playing in the background was weird but the music wasn’t loud enough to disturb conversations. While Bashamichi Green doesn’t have a wide selection of beers, the beers they do have on tap are good and the prices are pretty much the going rate. Moreover, Bashamichi Green is non-smoking and prices didn’t include a table charge.

Bashamichi Green Details

Open: Lunch 11:30 ~ 14:00 Dinner 17:00 ~ 24:00

Phone: 045 263 8976

Website (in English and Japanese): http://bashamichi.greenyokohama.com/

SNS: Facebook / Twitter

How to Get to Bashamichi Green

Bashamichi Green is best reached from the Bashamichi Station on the Minato Mirai line. It’s about a two-minute walk from exit number 3.

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1 comment

pudgym29 September 28, 2015 - 12:44 pm

If you’re wandering around Yokohama Station at lunchtime, and you can skip having beer, here is the Shakey’s Pizza Parlor with a solid buffet (and Calpis soda!).


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