Closed: Beer& 246 Aoyama Brewery in Aoyama, Tokyo

Editor’s Note:

Beer& 246 Aoyama Brewery closed in August 2022. This review has been kept up for posterity’s sake.

Beer& 246 Aoyama Brewery The Bottom Line

Perhaps I was cat-fished with Beer& 246 Aoyama Brewery, but I was disappointed with the setup to be honest – I was expecting lots of in-house beers, but ended up with beers from August Beer instead. Once I had gotten past that disappointment, by drinking beer, Beer& 246 Aoyama Brewery is a cosy little place but I felt confused with what it was trying to be – a brewpub? A fancy restaurant? A hamburger store? A sports bar? While the whole place is non-smoking, RIGHT outside is smoking so once the doors are open, then expect to smell smoke wafting into the bar. There is no table charge at Beer& 246 Aoyama Brewery, though prices do not include tax. There is a small happy hour too, but of only one beer but the menus do include some basic English for ordering and there is also some wifi in the area too. Vegetarians will be in luck as there are some choices outside of hamburgers.

Beer& 246 Aoyama Brewery Inside・ビアランド ニーヨンロク アオヤマ ブリュワリ店内

Beer& 246 Aoyama Brewery The Full Review

Aoyama isn’t known for craft beer – rather it’s known for being a rather upmarket place. No surprise really considering that the Imperial household and national stadium are in the area. It was with a little shock that the brewpub Beer& 246 Aoyama Brewery opened up in July 2018 in one of the most expensive areas in town. Clearly someone had done some surveying and thought people would want a craft beer bar in the area.

Beer& 246 Aoyama Brewery is located between Aoyama-Itchome and Gaiemmae stations – about 5 minutes from both of them. There is space for about 50 people dotted around the bar in various combinations – high tables, counter seats, and a few tables against the back wall. The whole place is non-smoking but most frustrating is that the immediate vicinity in front of the bar is smoking-friendly, so expect smoke to waft in when the doors are opened up on a nice day. A great way to ruin something for everyone. There is no table charge though at Beer& 246 Aoyama Brewery, and there is also some wifi too in the area that was free to connect to.

Beer& 246 Aoyama Brewery Beer 2・ビアランド ニーヨンロク アオヤマ ブリュワリビール2Beer& 246 Aoyama Brewery Beer 1・ビアランド ニーヨンロク アオヤマ ブリュワリビール1Beer& 246 Aoyama Brewery Beer 3・ビアランド ニーヨンロク アオヤマ ブリュワリビール3

Even though Beer& 246 Aoyama Brewery is a brewpub, disappointingly, there was only one of their own beers on that had been brewed on site – kind of a let down – and the other beers were made at August Beer. The beers come in three sizes: 270ml for ¥680, 360ml for ¥900, and 568ml for ¥1,400. Beer& 246 Aoyama Brewery also has a happy hour on weekdays from 17:30 to 19:00 where their own Aoyama Draft is reduced to ¥480. There is also a five beer tasting flight for ¥1,800 which gets you 5 x 100ml beers of your choice – a pricey choice to be honest but if you’re looking to get your Untappd ticks then it’s probably the quickest option. None of the prices include tax so make sure you add that on.

Beer& 246 Aoyama Brewery Food 2・ビアランド ニーヨンロク アオヤマ ブリュワリフード2Beer& 246 Aoyama Brewery Food 3・ビアランド ニーヨンロク アオヤマ ブリュワリフード3Beer& 246 Aoyama Brewery Food 4・ビアランド ニーヨンロク アオヤマ ブリュワリフード4

The food at Beer& 246 Aoyama Brewery is primarily based around hamburgers and various combinations; however, there is a special deal of two tapas dishes for ¥1,000. A good option for those wanting something different and there are a variety of choices to suit both meat-eaters and vegetarians too. The menus have enough English on them to order the basics but not enough for full on descriptions or details of the beers.

Beer& 246 Aoyama Brewery Details

Open: Weekday 11:00 to 14:00 17:30 to 23:00 (L.O Food 22:00 Drink 22:30) Saturday 15:00 – 23:00 (L.O Food 22:00 Drink 22:30)

Closed: Sundays

Happy Hour: 17:30 to 19:00 Aoyama Draft ¥680 ⇒ ¥480

Phone: 03-6812-9895

Homepage (in Japanese):

Social Media: Instagram

How to Get to Beer& 246 Aoyama Brewery

[ezcol_1half]Directions from Aoyama-Itchome Station
[/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end]Directions from Gaiemmae Station

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