Daisen G Belgian Brown by Kumezakura Shuzo

by Rob

Daisen G Belgian Brown is a 5.5% Belgian Brown from Kumezakura Shuzo, based in Tottori, Japan. It’s part of their limited edition lineup and was first released in 2019. Daisen G Belgian Brown is brewed using Belgian saison yeast instead of a regular Belgian trappist ale yeast.

Daisen G Belgian Brown・大山Gベルジャンブラウン

Daisen G Belgian Brown Aroma and Taste

Daisen G Belgian Brown poured out a dark ruby reddish brown colour, with a medium amount of frothy off-white head. There was a rich spicy yeasty aroma coming off the beer, with some slight earthy, noble hop aromas just peaking through. The caramel and nutty aromas were given off by the malt but they were not as strong as those aromas from the yeast. For those wanting citrusy or piney aromas then Daisen G Belgian Brown is not the beer for you.

Likewise in the body, it was all about the yeast and malts in Daisen G Belgian Brown. The yeast brought a funky Belgian aroma to it, with some phenolic fruity aromas being the main ones of note. It had a slight sour note to the body that was hidden behind the malty caramel and nutty flavours. Daisen G Belgian Brown also had a little spicy pepperiness to it once it had warmed up but the main problem I had with the beer was that it was too thin in the body. It would have been good to have a thicker, more richer mouthfeel as Daisen G Belgian Brown ended up being a bit wishy-washy towards the end.

Daisen G Belgian Brown The Bottom Line

Daisen G Belgian Brown needs to be richer to really support all the flavours.

Where to Buy Daisen G Belgian Brown

Daisen G Belgian Brown can be bought online at the following places:

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