Cyonmage Beer Information

Cyonmage Beer, also known as Yamaguchi Hagi Beer, is a Japanese craft brewery located in Yamguchi, Japan. It’s easy to get confused with this brewery and also Yamaguchi Ji-Beer, but they are very much different breweries. Cyonmage Beer started out brewing in 1996 and like many other breweries at the time, they had a firm focus on German style beers, though since then, Cyonmage Beer have begun to move away towards American and British styles as part of their seasonal lineup.

Their ethos is unlike the main breweries of Japanese macro beer in that the main focus is not on making clear or beautiful beer, but rather bottom fermented beers that have body and colour. While not strictly following the reinheitsgebrot, Cyonmage Beer do try to use only malts, hops, yeast, and water in their beers, with those containing adjuncts being an aside rather than the norm.

Cyonmage Beer Main Lineup

The following are part of Cyonmage Beer’s all-year round line up.

  • Cyonmage Alt – A 5% alt brewed using German malt and hops.
  • Cyonmage Pale Ale – A 5% English pale ale that uses the style that was made famous by the pale ales in Burton.
  • Cynomage Wheat – A 5% hefeweizen that is brewed to the traditional style from the Bavaria area.
  • Cyonmage IPA – A 6% American IPA but it is unknown what hops went into making it.

Cyonmage Beer Details

Address: Ushiroobata-6080-4 Chintō, Hagi-shi, Yamaguchi, 758-0011

Phone: 0838-25-5612

Homepage (in Japanese):

Brewery Store:

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