Boulevard Cafe &9 in Kannai, Yokohama

Boulevard Cafe &9 The Bottom Line

The south end of Kannai is getting a bit busier with some more craft beer places opening, and if you’re in the south end of Kannai and looking for a place for a quick beer, then Boulevard Cafe &9 is one of the best choices to have one or two beers before a baseball game. It’s cosy, warm atmosphere, along with its baseball themed interior is sure to be a hit with anyone who has a passing interest in either the game or the Yokohama Baystars (not going to add the DeNA part in!). The whole place is non-smoking, has no table charge, and also offers up takeaway beers. The downsides though there is a very limited amount of English on the menu and the chairs are wobbly – enough so you feel like you may fall off. But that could have just been me after a couple of beers and no food.

Boulevard Cafe &9 Inside・ブールバードカフェ アンドナイン店内

Boulevard Cafe &9 The Full Review

The south end of Kannai has been rather barren for craft beer drinkers over the last few years, with most bars congregating around the northern end around the Bashamichi, Yoshidmachi, and Noge districts. However since 2017, the south end has started to see an increase in places, with Boulevard Cafe &9 being one of them. It opened in March 2017, and is situated right behind Yokohama Stadium, affectionately known as HamaSta, home of the Yokohama Baystars – the best term in Japan and we will hear of nothing else! Avid readers of BeerTengoku may have spotted us at some of their games in the past, and in 2018, there was a small craft beer garden at HamaSta with some of Bay Brewing’s Baystars Beers (a new tongue twister for you all to practice!).

Boulevard Cafe &9 is split into two parts – a medium sized cafe area with space for about 40 people all seated, and a small standing bar area, with tables of 2 (high) seats for 10 people and the rest of the area for standing and having one or two beers before, or after, the game. On good weather days, there is also an open terrace for some drinking too – so you can listen to the sounds of the game as well. The whole place is non-smoking and there is also no table charge too. The theme, unsurprisingly, is based on the Yokohama Baystars, with lots of blue around the interior, and information about the team – but in Japanese only. A shame really as with the forthcoming rugby world cup, and olympics too, it would have been a great chance to get foreigners interested in the local team.

Boulevard Cafe &9 Beer 1・ブールバードカフェ アンドナインビール1Boulevard Cafe &9 Beer 2・ブールバードカフェ アンドナインビール2Boulevard Cafe &9 Beer 3・ブールバードカフェ アンドナインビール3Baystars Porter・ベイスターズポーターBaystars Voyage・ベイスターズヴォヤージュ

The baseball theme also stretches to the taps and menus too. There are 17 taps, well baseball bats more like, of beer on at Boulevard Cafe &9, with four of them being dedicated to Baystars’ beers which are brewed at Yokohama Bay Brewing, and the other beers all being guest beers from across Japan. The beers come in two sizes – half (250ml) from ¥550 to ¥700, and pint (480ml) from ¥900 to ¥1100. All prices include tax and there are also options for a beer flight which includes 3 x 180ml glasses for ¥1,300 and also takeaway beers too. The beers are well-served and the staff will top them up for you if requested.

Boulevard Cafe &9 Food 1・ブールバードカフェ アンドナインフード1

The food at Boulevard Cafe &9 is your usual Japanese cafe style of food, with pasta, and some fried foods but I didn’t eat anything – as my table was too wobbly so I could see everything would go flying, and I was also waiting to eat at the next place.

Boulevard Cafe &9 Details

Open: 11:00 – 23:00

Happy Hour: N/A

Phone: 045-663-3161

Homepage (in Japanese):

Social Media: Facebook

Boulevard Cafe &9 Throwback

Woods – you suck!

How to Get to Boulevard Cafe &9

The closest station to Boulevard Cafe &9 is JR Kannai and Kannai on the Yokohama City Subway, or Nihon-Odori on the Minatomiai Line.

[ezcol_1half]Directions from Kannai

[ezcol_1half_end]Directions from NIhon-Odori Station

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1 comment

Rob May 14, 2019 - 4:15 pm

Sure, we do have a Patreon sponsored guide section we do.


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