Karuizawa Kogen Wild Forest by Yo-Ho Brewing

Karuizawa Kogen Wild Forest is a 5% blonde ale from Yo-Ho Brewing that is generally only available to buy in the Karuizawa area. It can be found in convenience stores and supermarkets quite readily though the staff may get confused between this beer and the Karuizawa Asama Kogen range of beers. Make sure you don’t make the same mistake though as well. If you’re feeling a charitable mood, you’ll be pleased to know that a portion of the profits of every can of Karuizawa Kogen Wild Forest sold goes towards local conservation efforts, coincidentally called Karuizawa Wild Forest.

Karuizawa Wild Forest 軽井沢高原ビールワイルドフォレストKaruizawa Kogen Wild Forest Aroma and Taste

A few months back, I went up to Nagano with the family and tried to find Karuizawa Kogen Wild Forest outside of Karuizawa and it is not possible. Not even in Ueda city, which is about forty minutes up the road from Karuizawa. The shop staff were insistent that (A) they hadn’t heard of it or (B) they thought I meant Karuizawa Kogen Beer, and believe me, I didn’t want that beer. After driving down to Karuizawa on the return trip home, lo-and-behold, the first store I walk into and I find the whole Karuizawa Kogen Beer range.

Karuizawa Kogen Wild Forest poured out a light golden colour, that was very much clear of particulates. The head was nigh on non-existent and didn’t even try to make an appearance. The aroma was a bitter fruity one with a slight hint of sweetness, but not much really to draw your attention to it. If there were hops then they had gone missing in the forest so don’t be drinking this if you are a hophead.

It’s in the drinking where Karuizawa Kogen Wild Forest improves as the bitter edge to this beer works with the light sweetness that is much more present in the body. The fruitiness in the aroma is present in the body but it fades quickly during drinking, along with the bitter edge too.

Karuizawa Kogen Wild Forest One Line Review

Karuizawa Kogen Wild Forest starts really well though fades quickly to become an ok beer. Not worth going all the way to Karuizawa for.

Where to Buy Karuizawa Kogen Wild Forest

Karuizawa Kogen Wild Forest can be bought online at the following places:

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