Outsider The Darkside Imperial Stout by Outsider Brewing

Outsider The Darkside Imperial Stout is an 8% imperial stout from Outsider Brewing, based in Yamanashi. It is part of their winter seasonal lineup and at the time of writing, can be found on tap across Japan though there have been no sightings of any bottled form of it. Besides that, there is not much known about this beer in terms of malts or hops used. Yet again, Joe has banned me from making any quips or puns about Outsider The Darkside Imperial Stout and its connection to some movies from the 70’s, 90’s and recently

Outsider The Darkside Imperial Stout

Again, I must resist the Star Wars puns and jokes…

Outsider The Darkside Imperial Stout Aroma and Taste

Outsider The Darkside Imperial Stout poured out a deep brownish-black colour with a fairly frothy and creamy head on top. It had great lacing, lasting right until the end but part of me suspects that’s the beer system at Beer Republic doing its job perfectly. The head did settle down more than in the picture to about 1cm from the top of the glass. The beer had a deep coffee and chocolate aroma with a slight hint of licorice too thrown in the mix as well. There was some slight hint of caramel too as well once it had become lukewarm. The booziness was also present but not in a harsh manner, rather like a smooth sherry-like warming sensation.

The body was where Outsider The Darkside Imperial Stout was at. It had oodles of rich chocolate and coffee flavours along with a deep roasted burntness that was more gentle once the beer had warmed up. The body was also lighter than I expected for an imperial stout and actually made it quite refreshing. Outsider The Darkside Imperial Stout finished off with the chocolate and coffee flavours lingering on the palate until the next sip.

Outsider The Darkside Imperial Stout One Line Review

I really liked Outsider The Darkside Imperial Stout and strongly recommend drinking it if you find it on the menu at your local.

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