Home Beer Review Shared Misty Mountain by Shared Brewery

Shared Misty Mountain by Shared Brewery

by BeerTengoku Writer
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Shared Misty Mountain : Background

Shared Misty Mountain is a 6% hazy IPA from Shared Brewery, based in Hachioji, Tokyo. At the time of writing, it’s part of their draught lineup, though it can be bought in cans to takeaway at the bar, if you’re in the area. Shared Misty Mountain is brewed using Citra hops throughout and came about as a collaboration between Shared Brewery and a conversation had with Yokohama Rides.

Shared Misty Mountain

Shared Misty Mountain : At A Glance

  • ABV: 6%
  • Style: Hazy IPA
  • Hops: Citra
  • Adjuncts: –
  • IBU: 30

Shared Misty Mountain : Sale Information

  • Availability: Limited
  • On Sale: From Jan 2024
  • Size: 350 ml cans
  • Price: 700 yen

Shared Misty Mountain : Appearance

Shared Misty Mountain poured out a hazy light golden straw colour with a thick white head on top. The head left streaks down the side of the glass, alongside some bubbles that clung to the side of the glass.

Shared Misty Mountain : Aroma

Punch aroma of citrus fruits – lemon, guava, and some grapefruit. Slight dank notes to the body with some light sweetness though no lactose nose as common with hazy IPAs. No hop burn or discernible alcohol heat from the beer.

Shared Misty Mountain : Taste

Smooth bitterness though light and pleasant. The body began with some sweetness from the malts, a touch of light dank pine resin notes to the body, before a subtle lemon and grapefruit flavour that lingered through to the aftertaste. No hop burn or alcohol heat. The body was dry with just a smidgen of sweetness as it warms up.


Shared Misty Mountain : The Bottom Line

Shared Misty Mountain is a very drinkable hazy IPA that is hard to stop at just one. Light but full bodied in terms of flavour.

Shared Misty Mountain: Where to Buy

Shared Misty Mountain can be bought at Shared Brewery.

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