Home Beer ReviewDraft Review Kawazu Brewing Roundup

Kawazu Brewing Roundup

by Rob
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Rather than writing up individual reviews for these beers, we’ve come up with a page of beers for our recent trip to Kawazu Brewing – which is a brewpub just outside of Okayama Castle. As these are draught beers, there is no guarantee that they will be on tap if and when you go there.

Kawazu Peach Boy

Kawazu Brewing Beer 2

Kawazu Peach Boy : Details

  • Alcohol : 5%
  • Style : Golden Ale
  • IBU :

Kawazu Peach Boy : Mini Review

Appearance : Light golden straw colour body with a thick white head. Head leaves light lacing down the side of the glass.

Aroma : Slight yeast funk with a light pilsner like nose to the body of the beer. Faint floral hop aroma with a lingering fruitiness during drinking.

Body : Light and refreshing body, with a slight bitterness that fades fast from the palate. Lingering fruitiness with a floral hoppy body that lies in the background. Finishes with a slight fruity yeast taste.

Kawazu Hair of the Dog

Kawazu Brewing Beer 3

Kawazu Hair of the Dog : Details

  • Alcohol : 6%
  • Style : American Pale Ale
  • IBU :

Kawazu Hair of the Dog : Mini Review

Appearance : Light honey coloured body with slight chill haze to it. Large frothy head with sticky bubbles that cling to the side.

Aroma : Citrus notes of grapefruit and lemon to begin with, followed by a slight resinous nose. Light caramel tones from the malt with no discernible off aromas.

Body : Light bitterness which lingers. Citrus notes first hop flavour to come through, with light resinous notes. Slight sweetness of caramel and pale ale, touch of alcohol heat.

Kawazu Monkey Talk

Kawazu Brewing Beer 4

Kawazu Monkey Talk : Details

  • Alcohol : 6%
  • Style : American red ale
  • IBU :

Kawazu Monkey Talk : Mini Review

Appearance : Dark honey amber colour with a plump white head. Head lingers, leaving rings of lacing around the glass.

Aroma : Malt forward with a light caramel and pale ale nose. Slight resinous nose as it warms up, with a touch of citrus fruits in the background.

Body : Light bitterness with a light caramel sweetness throughout drinking. Hops are muted in comparison, with citrus notes and light resinous flavour in drinking.

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