Home Beer ReviewDraft Review Handa Ginzan Brewery : Roundup

Handa Ginzan Brewery : Roundup

by Rob
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Rather than writing up individual reviews for these beers, we’ve come up with a page of beers for our recent trip to Handa Ginzan Brewery – which is a brewpub just outside of Koori station in Fukushima. Their beers are also sold under the brand of Solder Craft but then served at Uwamachi Cheers, their brewpub. As these are draught beers, there is no guarantee that they will be on tap if and when you go there.

Handa Ginzan IPA

Handa Ginzan IPA : Details

  • Alcohol : 6%
  • Style : American IPA
  • IBU :

Handa Ginzan IPA : Mini Review

Appearance : Light straw yellow colour with a thin white head that leaves bubbles and lacing down the side of the glass.

Aroma : Classic American IPA – big citrus bouquet of lemon and some pine, with a residual sweetness that lingers in the nose.

Body : Smooth bitterness, with the citrus and caramel malt flavours being the most pronounced. Flavours linger on the palate before fading to a slight stickiness.

Handa Ginzan Shiso Kaori Ale

Handa Ginzan Shiso Kaori Ale : Details

  • Alcohol : 5%
  • Style : Herb / Spice beer
  • IBU :

Handa Ginzan Shiso Kaori Ale : Mini Review

Appearance : Slight hazy golden yellow colour with a thin white head that leaves bubbles down the glass.

Aroma : Distinct shiso aroma – either you’ll like it or not. Subtle citrus note as it warms up but well balanced with the shiso.

Body : Light bitterness, with citrus and shiso notes balanced with one another. Light sweetness but shiso lingers into malt flavour. Surprisingly good stuff.

Handa Ginzan Oroshi White

Handa Ginzan Oroshi White : Details

  • Alcohol : 5%
  • Style : Belgian wit
  • IBU :

Handa Ginzan Oroshi White : Mini Review

Appearance : Hazy pale yellow colour with just a couple of bubbles around the edge.

Aroma : Light yeasty phenols of spiciness – some peppery and orange notes but faint.

Body : Light sweetness and bitterness with delicate flavour of orange and phenols. Some spiciness but rather disappointing overall.

Handa Ginzan Uwamachi Coffee Stout

Handa Ginzan Uwamachi Coffee Stout : Details

  • Alcohol : 5%
  • Style : Coffee Stout
  • IBU :

Handa Ginzan Uwamachi Coffee Stout : Mini Review

Appearance : Pitch black body with a slight off-white head that left some bubbles and an oily top.

Aroma : Chocolate, caramel, with roasted black malts and a thick coffee aroma.

Body : Medium bodied with clean, roasted coffee flavour backed up with chocolate and roasted malts. Brilliant stuff.

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