RepuBrew Conix Brut IPA

RepuBrew Conix Brut IPA : Background

RepuBrew Conix Brut IPA is a 6.5% Brut IPA from RepuBrew, based in Numazu, Shizuoka. It is a collaboration beer with the illustrator CONIX, known for their illustrations of women. The collaboration came about to celebrate the seventh anniversary of the brewpub in 2024. In 2019, Watering Hole held an event where CONIX’s original beer glasses were on sale. RepuBrew used Freestyle Nelson for hopping, and then Chinook, Citra, and Freestyle Nelson for dry hopping.

RepuBrew Conix Brut IPA

At A Glance

  • ABV : 6.5%
  • Style : Brut IPA
  • Hops : Chinook, Citra, and Freestyle Nelson
  • Adjuncts :
  • IBU : 13

Sale Information

  • Availability : Limited
  • On Sale : From November 2024.
  • Size : 350 ml

RepuBrew Conix Brut IPA : Appearance, Aroma, and Taste

The beer poured out a hazy golden straw colour, with a thin amount of white head. Unfortunately, that head faded fast to leave a few bubbles around the edge of the glass.

The aroma was a bit off for me. It had a similar aroma to the RepuBrew CAMPai Hazy – some plasticky, peachy aroma. I must admit, it wasn’t enticing in the slightest. For a Brut IPA, the beer did not have any redeeming qualities of that style. In fact, I was almost tempted to pour it away. However, there is some drinking to be done!

And it wasn’t as bad as the hazy beer – close, but not as bad. Similar to the aroma, the plasticky and peachy flavour pervaded throughout drinking. But only just. There was a bit more of a Brut IPA flavour lingering around in the mess. Some light white wine notes were in the back. However, not enough to really save this beer overall.

The Bottom Line

Brut IPA were a flash in the pan style, and with this beer, I am hoping they’re done for good.

Where to Buy

It can be bought online at the following places:

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