RepuBrew CAMPai Hazy

RepuBrew CAMPai Hazy : Background

RepuBrew CAMPai Hazy is a 7.5% hazy IPA from RepuBrew, based in Numazu, Shizuoka. Additionally, it’s part of their canned and draught line, with it being a collaborative beer. RepuBrew worked with Izu no Nushi Tsuri, a popular Japanese YouTuber, who they met at the “Nikujiru Battle”. The YouTubers are fans of hazy IPAs and came up with this beer that uses Talus, HBC472, Mosaic, and Simcoe hops.

RepuBrew CAMPai Hazy

At A Glance

  • ABV : 7.5%
  • Style : Hazy IPA
  • Hops : Talus, HBC472, Mosaic, Simcoe.
  • Adjuncts : –
  • IBU : 9.5

Sale Information

  • Availability : Limited
  • On Sale : –
  • Size : 350 ml

RepuBrew CAMPai Hazy : Appearance, Aroma, and Taste

The beer poured out a hazy golden honey colour, with a finger of white head. Disappointingly, the head collapsed on itself fairly quickly, though it did leave some streaks down the edge.

Unfortunately, the aroma was weird. It had a phenolic peach edge to it, with some weird yeast funk going on. Furthermore, as the beer warmed up, there was noticeable plastic aroma coming off it. I did check the bottom of the can and it was well within the drink by date. Furthermore, it had only been canned less than a month ago so something had gone wrong here.

Without wanting to waste the beer, I did drink a fair amount. Yet, those same peculiar off-flavours were evident in the body. Peach and plastic, with none of the promised coconut and woodiness as mentioned on website. In spite of this, I did let it warm up some more, but alas, if anything, it made it worse.

RepuBrew CAMPai Hazy : The Bottom Line

If you hadn’t had guessed, this became a drain pour. Either a badly made beer, or something had gone wrong in the canning process,

RepuBrew CAMPai Hazy : Where to Buy

It can be bought online at the following places:

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