Home Brewery Info Passific Brewing in Chigasaki, Kanagawa

Passific Brewing in Chigasaki, Kanagawa

by BeerTengoku Writer
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Passific Brewing is a Japanese microbrewery located in Chigasaki, in Kanagawa, Japan. The brewery has been in operation since October 2021 and is located in what appears to be an old metalworks factory. Passific Brewing started up after the head brewer, Oba-san left his job at Craft Rock Brewpub and worked there for over a year, gaining experience before starting up Passific Brewing.

The unusual spelling for Passific Brewing comes from the concept of “a brewery that travels with beer, across the sea and over the mountains.” The spelling of “Passific” with the extra S, comes from the word “Pass” used in the form of a pass, which connects with the mountains along the Nagano area, where Oba-san worked at Shiga Kogen Beer, and the sea in the Shonan bay area.

Passific Brewing : Lineup

The following are some of Passific Brewing’s beers:

Passific Brewing : Articles

The following are some of Passific Brewing’s articles:


Passific Brewing : Details

Passific Brewing : Location

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