Passific Lucky Number : Background
Passific Lucky Number is a 9% double IPA from Passific Brewing, based in Chigsaki, Kanagawa. It’s part of their canned and draught lineup, though its availability is unknown at the time of writing. Passific Lucky Number was brewed as part of a celebration in line with Passific Brewing having brewed their 100th beer. Passific Lucky Number is brewed with the addition of hops over a 100 minute period, with the hops being added on the minute, every minute. Everytime Passific Brewing brews their hundreeth beer – 100, 200, 300, etc – then this beer is released, so expect it once a year or so.

Passific Lucky Number : At A Glance
- ABV : 9%
- Style : Double IPA
- Hops : –
- Adjuncts : –
- IBU : 100
Passific Lucky Number : Sale Information
- Availability : Limited
- On Sale : February 2022
- Size : 350 ml
Passific Lucky Number : Appearance
Poured out a dark amber brown colour with a medium amount of frothy, off-white head that collapsed down on itself, leaving streaks down the side of the glass.
Passific Lucky Number : Aroma
Strong dank, resinous aroma with some hints of caramel and citrus in the background. Pretty much a straightforward old-school double IPA from back in the 90s, early 2000s. Full bodied aroma from the malts as it warms up, with a stronger sweetness, but low alcohol, coming through.
Passific Lucky Number : Taste
Starts off with a smooth, well-rounded bitterness from the hops, that segues into a dank, resinous body that flows over the palate, with a kick, but not as strong as the supposed 100 IBUs this beer is supposed to be. It’s full bodied, with a pronounced sweetness from the malts, and a subtle citrus throughout.
Passific Lucky Number : The Bottom Line
On the whole, a balanced double IPA that is reminiscent of the early days of double IPAs in craft beer.
Passific Lucky Number : Where to Buy
Passific Lucky Number can be bought online at the following places: