Yggdrasil Stadium Progression IPA by Yggdrasil Brewing

Yggdrasil Stadium Progression IPA is 6% American IPA from Yggdrasil Brewing. It’s part of their draft lineup, but due to Covid-19, it was also put into bottles, so it may not be on sale at the time of reading. Yggdrasil Stadium Progression IPA is also part of their collaboration range with this effort being brewed in conjunction with Shonan Nexis Stadium, a bar also located in Hiratsuka, where Yggdrasil Brewing is located.

Yggdrasil Stadium Progression IPA

Yggdrasil Stadium Progression IPA Aroma and Taste

Yggdrasil Stadium Progression IPA poured out a light golden straw colour with a slight haze to it, and a plump white head on top that faded to a few bubbles around the side of the glass. It had a distinct resinous nose to it, with a light pilsner-like nose to it, but didn’t really develop any more than a passing citrusy nose to it after it had warmed up.

It had a strong bitter bite to it from the get-go, with that same resinous, piney quality coming through in the body too for good measure, but like the nose, there was very little development in terms of flavours. It had a full body to it, with a lingering sweetness that helped to take off some of the pine flavour, though that did linger into the aftertaste of the beer. I was hoping for something more from Yggdrasil Stadium Progression IPA considering it had been double-dry hopped, but perhaps they were going for a typical West Coast IPA flavour profile with this one, rather than lighter American IPA.

Yggdrasil Stadium Progression IPA The Bottom Line

Like pine? You’ll be fine.

Where to Buy Yggdrasil Stadium Progression IPA

Yggdrasil Stadium Progression IPA can be bought online at the following places:

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