Romantic Dog Fight IPA by Romantic Village Beer

by Rob

Romantic Dog Fight IPA is 7% American IPA from Romantic Village Beer, based in Utsunomiya, in Tochigi, Japan. It’s part of their draft lineup and can be found mostly on tap across Kanto. Romantic Dog Fight IPA can apparently also be found in bottles, though we’re yet to come across any in our adventures. It was first released in 2015 for the Moto GP event that was held at the Motegi track in Tochigi, and since then, has been an annual release around the same time that the Moto GP event is on and is also brewed with Citra, Simcoe, Mosaic, Sorachi Ace, and Chinook hops.

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Romantic Dog Fight IPA Aroma and Taste

Romantic Dog Fight IPA poured out a dark hazy golden colour with a plump white head on top that clung to the side of the glass. The initial aroma was a wishy washy washing-up liquid-like one, but once Romantic Dog Fight IPA had been given the chance to warm up, there was a tropical pineapple and guava-like aroma to it with some hints of peach too.

The body was dry and crisp – pretty much on the nose for an American IPA, but the wishy-washiness of the beer continued throughout, with a slight pineapple and fruity guava edge to it. Romantic Dog Fight IPA finished off the a lingering pineapple and subtle grapefruit flavour that only came through once it had warmed up.

Romantic Dog Fight IPA The Bottom Line

Romantic Dog Fight IPA is a step-up in terms of quality and taste for Romantic Village Beer.

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