Uchu Aldebaran Triple IPA by Uchu Brewing

Uchu Aldebaran Triple IPA is a 10% imperial IPA from Uchu Brewing, based in Hokuto, in Yamanashi, Japan. It was first released in December 2018 and can be found in bottles and on tap. Uchu Aldebaran Triple IPA is brewed using only Mosaic & Galaxy hops with an unknown level of IBU – could it be the first IBU-less triple IPA?!

Uchu Aldebaran Triple IPA・ 宇宙アルデバラントリプルIPA

Uchu Aldebaran Triple IPA Aroma and Taste

Uchu Aldebaran Triple IPA poured out a hazy golden orange colour with a fluffy white head on top that faded fast to a few bubbles around the outside. It had a fairly mixed aroma of grassiness combined with peaches, mango, passion fruit, along with some citrus nose coming through too. For such a strong beer, there was no discernible nose of alcohol or of any malts coming through. An interesting mix going on considering that the imperial IPAs, in particular the bold ones from Thrash Zone, I’ve had in the past seem like a different entity to Uchu Aldebaran Triple IPA.

The mouthfeel from the get go was sticky yet also drying on the palate. There was a slight bitterness, but again, for a 10% beer, Uchu Aldebaran Triple IPA really didn’t lie with my expectations – a good thing. It was also a little thin for a 10% beer too – not to say that was a bad thing but Uchu Aldebaran Triple IPA was playing with my expectations. The hops brought peaches, mango, passion fruit, oranges, and lemons along and those lingered during the aftertaste.

Uchu Aldebaran Triple IPA The Bottom Line

Uchu Aldebaran Triple IPA is dangerously drinkable for a 10% IPA – definitely by some but be warned, you’ll get drunk quick.

Where to Buy Uchu Aldebaran Triple IPA

Uchu Aldebaran Triple IPA can be bought online at:

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