Minamishinshu Hokentake Ale by Komagatake Brewery

Minamishinshu Hokentake Ale is a 5% golden ale from Komagatake Brewery, based in Komagane, in Nagano, Japan. It’s part of the summer seasonal lineup and can be found in both bottles and on tap. It was first released in 2017 and Minamishinshu Hokentake Ale is named after Mount Hōken, at 2,931m high, is one of major peaks in Kiso Mountains or Central Alps, Nagano Prefecture, Japan. Minamishinshu Hokentake Ale is brewed using 100% locally sourced malt from the Ina Valley, including malt from Komagane city and Miyata village.

Minamishinshu Hokentake Ale 南信州ビール宝剣岳エール

Minamishinshu Hokentake Ale Aroma and Taste

Minamishinshu Hokentake Ale poured out a lifeless copper orange colour with a bare minimum amount of head – that thin ring of bubbles around the edge was all I had which then faded into the beer almost immediately. There was a strong sour Belgian funky yeast aroma going on which was no pleasant. Maybe this bottle was off? It was well within its drink by date and had been stored in a chilled environment too. There was some hints of fruitiness but to be honest, the sour aroma really didn’t help things at all.

I should have been warned off by the smell – it was pungent and really not enticing. Animals release pheromones to put off potential predators, perhaps Minamishinshu Hokentake Ale was doing the same for me? But I dove in and immediately wished I had hadn’t. I don’t mind a wee bit of sour tartness to a golden ale, in fact it’s required. But Minamishinshu Hokentake Ale had it by the bucketload – to much in fact for it really to be nice to drink. The hints of fruits just couldn’t help it out and it ended up joining the Drain Club©.

Minamishinshu Hokentake Ale The Bottom Line

If Minamishinshu Hokentake Ale is infected, then I’d like to try a new, fresh bottle. If this was deliberate, then give it a wide miss!

Where to Buy Minamishinshu Hokentake Ale

Minamishinshu Hokentake Ale can be bought online at the following places

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