Tazawako Kolsch is an award-winning beer from Tazawako Beer that won both Asia’s Best Kölsch and the World’s Best Kölsch in 2013 at the World Beer Awards. This 5% beer …
Akita Beer
Looking for craft beers from Akita? You’ve hit the spot.
Tazawako Rauch is a 7.5% award winning rauch style beer from Tazawako Beer. Rauchs are brewed by drying the malts over an open flame, rather than on the floor or in …
Altbiers are not that popular in Japan, with our last review of an altbier being the Karuizawa Asuma Kougen Alt, but let’s not use that as a yardstick. Tazawako Alt …
How to be a cool beer by Aqula Nme Neigaa in three easy steps: Be a beer. Preferably one that is not a regular everyday beer; Be difficult to find …
Aqula Kawabata Lager is a 5.0% pilsner from Aqula based on the German styles of pilsners. It is an award-winning beer and won the gold medal at the 2007 Asian …
Aqula Sakura Kobo Wheat is brewed using natural sakura, or cherry blossom, yeast that has been developed by Akita Food Institute in conjunction with Aqula. It’s a 5% wit that …
Aqula Namahage Bock, better known as Aqula Q Bock. is a dunkler bock style beer from Akita, Japan. At the point of bottling, it is supposedly 7% though if left …
Brown no Kaze beer, otherwise known as Tazawako Kohan no Mori Dunkel, is another beer that comes in two different labels. The one below is the most recent label for …
Ajiwai Tenku is another award-winning beer from Tazawako Kohan no Mori Beer that is brewed in the helles, meaning bright, lager style from Bavaria. An all-malt beer, Ajiwai Tenku, like Ajiwai …
Kaze Soyogu Pils is sold at Queens Isetan stores across Japan, and is brewed by Tazawako Kohan no Mori. It is an award-winning beer for best-testing pilsner in Japan. The bottle comes in two variations: …