Brewccoly Bottom Plower is a 5% Belgian pale ale from Brewccoly Brewing, based in Akita, in Akita. It’s part of their regular lineup and can be found in both bottles …
Akita Beer
Looking for craft beers from Akita? You’ve hit the spot.
Brewccoly Autumn Paddy is a 7% Belgian IPA from Brewccoly, based in Akita, Japan. It’s part of their regular lineup and can be found in both bottles and on tap. …
Aqula Schokoladen Bier is a 7.5% doppelbock from Aqula Beer, based in Akita, Japan. It’s part of their limited edition range of winter beers, though due to aging, it can …
Tazawako Beer Akita Bakushu Megumi is a 4.5% golden ale from Tazawako Beer, based in Akita, Japan. It’s part of their autumn seasonal lineup and can be found in bottles and …
Tazawako Komachi Weiss is a 5% German hefeweizen, brewed by Tazawako Beer, based in Akita, Japan. It’s part of their limited edition range and can be found in both bottles …
Kohan Akita Bijin Hada Beer is a 5.5% speciality beer from Tazawako Kohan no Mori Beer, based in Akita, Japan. It’s part of their summer seasonal lineup of craft beer …
Be Easy Azumashi Wheat Ale is a 5.1% American wheat ale from Be Easy Brewing, based in Akita, Japan. Along with their Be Easy Debbie’s Pale Ale, Be Easy Azumashi Wheat was …
Kohan On The Rock Beer is a 6% dunkler bock beer from Tazawako Kohan No Mori Beer, based in Akita, Japan. It was first released in 2011 and since then, …
Tazawako Dark Lager is a 5% schwarzbier style beer from Tazawako Beer Brewery Pub that is available all year round. It also won a medal at an international beer competition …
Aqula Kiwa IPA is a 6% American IPA from Aqula Beer, based in Akita. This beer is part of their draft only lineup, and there hasn’t been any announcement for …