Otaru Beer Otaru Warehouse No.1 : The Bottom Line
If you’re in the area, and that includes being in Sapporo, then take it upon yourself to grab a train and head over to Otaru Beer Otaru Warehouse No.1 – you won’t regret it! You’ve got some extremely well made beers at a stupidly cheap price, and some delicious food, if you can make it past the pretzels. The only downside is, and you know there has to be one, that the bar is a little bit dark, but that doesn’t matter if you’re drinking here. Otaru Beer Otaru Warehouse No.1 is non-smoking, has no table charge, and also has some free wifi.

Otaru Beer Otaru Warehouse No.1 : The Full Story
I have wanted to get to Otaru Beer Otaru Warehouse No.1 for while now, but I knew that I had to explore the area first to build up a thirst – seems strange to say that when the weather was just about freezing. The Otaru area though is worth exploring, with its canal, the local history museum, and the warehouses along the seafront.
Otaru Beer Otaru Warehouse No.1 is located about a 10 minute walk from JR Otaru station, and can be reached from Sapporo on the airport express on the JR Hakodate line in less than 40 minutes – perfect for a day trip. The building itself was built in 1924 it was used for many years as a warehouse and then in 1995 it was converted into its present form as an Otaru Beer facility.
Otaru Beer Otaru Warehouse No.1 : Atmosphere & Interior
If the outside wasn’t imposing enough, it’s when you walk into Otaru Beer Otaru Warehouse No.1 that the scale of the building comes across. The timber-frame is wide and open, and supports a second floor above, with walkways, and in the middle of the floor, are two huge copper pots that you can sit around and drink. It is a tad dark inside, unless you sit by the window / doors, but that adds to the charm somewhat.
There are about 150 seats at Otaru Beer Otaru Warehouse No.1, and that is spread across the two floors. On the day I went, the staff were filling up the ground floor first, but during the busier times of the year. The whole place is non-smoking and has no table charge. If you go during the warmer months, there is a smaller outside terrace along the canal, but better get there early!

Otaru Beer Otaru Warehouse No.1 : Beer & Tap Information
With Otaru Beer Otaru Warehouse No.1 being a brewpub, there were only Otaru Beers on tap at the time of going, with the regular beers and also some seasonal ones too. The beers come in three different sizes: small (330 ml) at 417 yen, medium (500 ml) at 674 yen and large (1,000 ml) at 1320 yen – absolute bargain for the beers! There is also a nomihodai apparently but at these prices, you don’t really need to do that. Ok, it’s 2,200 yen for three hours of drinking – so it’s pretty cheap! There are also some bottled beers to take away if you get drunk and want something for the train home.

Otaru Beer Otaru Warehouse No.1 : Food Information
With Otaru Beer Otaru Warehouse No.1 being founded in German brewing practises, it would make sense that there would be some German food to serve alongside it, and there are a lot of choices. Vegetarians are also catered too, with some lighter options and some salads too. The menus have a basic amount of information on them but there a pictures too if you’re not too sure about what you’re getting.
Otaru Beer Otaru Warehouse No.1 : Information
- Open : Daily 11:00 – 23:00 (L.O Food 22:00 Drink 22:30)
- Closed : N/A
- Happy Hour : N/A
- Phone : 0134-21-2323
- Homepage (in Japanese) : https://otarubeer.com/jp/
- Social Media : N/A