Ise Kadoya Caffe Latte Hazy IPA by Ise Kadoya

by Rob

Ise Kadoya Caffe Latte Hazy IPA is 6.5% hazy IPA from Ise Kadoya, based in Mie, in Japan. It’s part of their limited edition range, and can be found in both bottles and on tap. As the name suggests, Ise Kadoya Caffe Latte Hazy IPA uses cold brewed coffee made from three different kinds of beans from Nakamura Coffee, which provided the coffee served at the dinner party of the Ise Shima Summit held in 2016.

Ise Kadoya Caffe Latte Hazy IPA

Ise Kadoya Caffe Latte Hazy IPA Aroma and Taste

Ise Kadoya Caffe Latte Hazy IPA poured out a very hazy dark orange colour with a thin amount of white head on top that faded to leave some sticky white lines along the edge of the glass. The aroma was a peculiar one – peculiar in that everything seemed to work with one another. There was the unmistakable roasted coffee nose, with a creamy nose to it, that came from wheat it seems, and not lactose. Yes, Ise Kadoya Caffe Latte Hazy IPA has no lactose added to it – consider me shocked. The hops brought lemon and mango aromas to proceedings with a grapefruit astringency to it with a resinous nose to it when the beer had warmed up.

In spite of being a hazy IPA, Ise Kadoya Caffe Latte Hazy IPA did possess somewhat of a bitter kick, with swift lemon and grapefruit flavour segueing into the creamy coffee body. None of the flavours dominated over each other; however, the main downside to Ise Kadoya Caffe Latte Hazy IPA was the astringent grapefruit flavour that lingered on. It was more pronounced once Ise Kadoya Caffe Latte Hazy IPA had warmed up, but it wasn’t enough to be off putting. The coffee flavour was roasted, with some hints of chocolate, and that continued to the aftertaste as well.

Ise Kadoya Caffe Latte Hazy IPA The Bottom Line

I liked Ise Kadoya Caffe Latte Hazy IPA – it’s peculiar but interesting.

Where to Buy Ise Kadoya Caffe Latte Hazy IPA

Ise Kadoya Caffe Latte Hazy IPA can be bought online at the following places:

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