Daisen G Double IPA by Kumezakura Shuzo

Daisen G Double IPA is an 8% imperial / double IPA from Kumezakura Shuzo, based in Tottori, Japan. It’s part of their limited edition lineup and can be found in both bottles and on tap. Daisen G Double IPA is brewed using imported Citra and Mosaic hops from the USA. At the time of writing, its availability is unknown.

Daisen G Double IPA ・大山Gビール ダブルIPA

Daisen G Double IPA Aroma and Taste

Daisen G Double IPA poured out a dark honey colour with a plump white head on top that clung to the side of the glass throughout drinking. The nose was absolutely incredible – who knew Daisen G Beer could make beers that smelt this amazing. Lashings of pine dankness with orange, mango, and peach came through when chilled. When Daisen G Double IPA had been given the chance to warm up – well a little bit of a chance as it smelt and tasted amazing – the fruitiness of the beer was balanced nicely with the dankness of the hops, and just a faint malt sweetness.

The initial sip was a bitter jab to the throat – short but to the point. Daisen G Double IPA’s bitter body then segued into a mango, melon, and orange flavour explosion with the dankness also joining us on the roller coaster of flavours. At 8%, the alcohol was also well-hidden, even when it had warmed up. I was honestly shocked that Daisen G Beer could actual make a decent IPA, let alone a double IPA. The stone fruits lingered in the aftertaste, and it was a very easy-drinking beer.

Daisen G Double IPA The Bottom Line

Daisen G Double IPA surprised me – buy one and you’ll love it.

Where to Buy Daisen G Double IPA

Daisen G Double IPA can be bought online at the following places:

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