Y Market Anniversary WIPA by Y Market Brewing

Y Market Anniversary WIPA is a 7% American IPA from Y Market Brewing, based in Nagoya, in Aichi, Japan. Y Market Anniversary WIPA was one of Y Market Brewing’s first forays into canned beers, and first came out in cans in February 2019. It is brewed using imported American Cascade, Mosaic, and Citra hops, as well as imported Australian Galaxy hops. At the time of writing, it’s unknown whether Y Market Anniversary WIPA is a one-off or not.

Y Market Anniversary WIPA・Yマーケットアニバーサリー WIPAY Market Anniversary WIPA Aroma and Taste

Y Market Anniversary WIPA poured out a hazy dark golden orange brown colour with a small amount of fluffy white head, that faded fast. It had a piney, dank aroma with some hints of lemon, grapefruit, pineapple, and just a touch of passion fruit too. The malts in Y Market Anniversary WIPA brought a subtle biscuit aroma to the nose, but it was all about the hops with this one.

Calling Y Market Anniversary WIPA a double IPA is a stretch at 7% and with no power or punch in the beer. It tasted like a much thinner version of Aooni IPA in terms of malt, though thankfully it was slightly hoppier than it. The light bitter kick preceeded a piney, resinous body, with some tropical fruits of pineapple and mango going on, but the lemon and grapefruit was lying in the background. Y Market Anniversary WIPA finished off with a lingering citrus flavour to it.

Y Market Anniversary WIPA The Bottom Line

Y Market Anniversary WIPA is a drinkable IPA but no way does it come close to being a good WIPA.

Where to Buy Y Market Anniversary WIPA

Y Market Anniversary WIPA can be bought online at the following places:

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