Yo-Ho Brewing Boku Beer Kimi Beer Ryusei Radio Rye Pale Ale by Yo-Ho Brewing

(deep breath) Yo-Ho Brewing Boku Beer Kimi Beer Ryusei Radio Rye Pale Ale is a 5% rye pale ale made by Yo-Ho Brewing. It’s the latest in their Boku Beer Kimi Beer series, is a limited-run beer, and was released on the 30th of October 2018.

Previous beers in the Boku Kimi range:

Of these beers, only the saison remains in production.

Boku Beer Kimi Beer Ryusei Radio Rye Pale Ale

Yo-Ho Brewing Boku Beer Kimi Beer Ryusei Radio Rye Pale Ale Aroma and Taste

Christ, these names are getting ridiculous. Ryusei Radio pours out a golden syrup colour with a great big head. The nose is tropical fruity, like the cream ale and hoppy amber before it, but also has some piney notes in there as well.

Tasting it, Ryusei Radio is smooth and hoppy, with a spiciness from the rye that gradually comes to the fore as it warms up. It begins to take on a ginger ale-like character, but still remains smooth.

Yo-Ho Brewing Boku Beer Kimi Beer Ryusei Radio Rye Pale Ale The Bottom Line

Ryusei Radio isn’t exactly full-bodied, but it’s a nice light example of the style, and has some interesting flavours going on. Worth a look!

Yo-Ho Brewing Boku Beer Kimi Beer Ryusei Radio Rye Pale Ale Second Opinion

Yo-Ho Brewing Boku Beer Kimi Beer Ryusei Radio Rye Pale Ale just rolls off the tongue doesn’t it? I like me some rye in a pale ale – a nice spicy peppery kick contrasting against some piney citrus flavours. And this beer does both of them but muted. It’s crushable after a long day in the garden but could do with some bolder flavours.

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