Swan Lake Flowery IPA by Hyouko Yashiki no Mori Brewery

Swan Lake Flowery IPA is a 6% American IPA from Hyouko Yashiki no Mori Brewery, based in Niigata, Japan. It’s part of a collaborative effort they did with United Arrows and uses a flower local to Agano city, in Niigata, that impart flavour, though which flower is unknown.

Swan Lake Flowery IPA スワンレイクフラワリーIPA

Swan Lake Flowery IPA Aroma and Taste

Swan Lake Flowery IPA poured out a hazy dark orange colour. If there was any head, then we missed out on it as it was a blink-and-miss it effort. There was a strong grapefruit and lemon nose to it but the flowery accent was missing from it by the smell of it.

The body was your typical American IPA – a bitterness to it with some citrus notes to it. Fairly straightforward IPA but definitely not the same as their regular bottle effort. It had a bready and biscuity body to with, along with the grapefruit and lemon flavours coming through as well. The flowery aspect was completely lost on me – unless it was the “edible” flower bringing these flavours through? It finished off with a citrus flourish and it was one.

Swan Lake Flowery IPA The Bottom Line

Swan Lake Flowery IPA could have been something special, but felt muted and a lost effort in the end.

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