Hansharo Ganjyo IPL by Hansharo Beer

Hansharo Ganjyo IPL is a 5% India Pale Lager from Hansharo Beer, based in Shizuoka, Japan. It’s part of the spring seasonal lineup and can be found in both bottles and on tap across Japan. It’s brewed using only German hops which include Polaris, Hallertau Blanc, and Hull Melon. At the time of writing, it’s unknown whether this is a one-off beer or an annual release. The name ganjyo roughly translates to “get your wishes”

Hansharo IPL 反射炉願成IPL

Hansharo Ganjyo IPL Aroma and Taste

Hansharo Ganjyo IPL poured out a hazy golden straw colour with a minimal amount of white head on top that faded fast. It had a slight peachy aroma to the beer but the hops smelt like that had been oxidised too much and as such, some weird funky aromas came off of it.

The body was bitter, and a slight softness to it from having a weaker than usual carbonation I guess. Hansharo Ganjyo IPL had a woody kick to it that wasn’t pleasent but at least it was drinkable. Just. The bitterness wasn’t overpowering but the weird flavours couldn’t be shaken from it. It finished off with a subtle fruity peachness to it but by that time I was glad it was over.

Hansharo Ganjyo IPL The Bottom Line

If I had been wishing for this beer, then I would have been happy. But in honesty, it’s a massive let down and one I won’t be looking for again.

Where to Buy Hansharo Ganjyo IPL

Hansharo Ganjyo IPL can be bought online at the following places:

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