Swan Lake Strawberry Dark Saison by Hyouko Yashiki No Mori

Swan Lake Strawberry Dark Saison is a 6% saison from Hyouko Yashiki No Mori, based in Niigata, Japan. It’s part of their Valentine’s efforts for 2018 and was first released in late 2017. Swan Lake Strawberry Dark Saison is brewed using locally sourced Niigata strawberries, saison yeast, and also roasted black malts.

Swan Lake Strawberry Dark Saison スワンレイクストロベリーダークセゾン

Swan Lake Strawberry Dark Saison Aroma and Taste

Swan Lake Strawberry Dark Saison poured out a dark brown black colour with an ever-so-slight tan coloured head, which faded to an oily ring on top. There was a definite Belgian funky yeast thing going on with the beer, as well as the black roasted malts coming through too. However, the strawberry aroma was really hard to notice. Like really, really, really hard! If it hadn’t been for the yeast though, I would have been hard pushed to have guessed this being a saison.

The body was more of the same. The roasted malts brought a slight bitterness to the forefront, but the yeasty funk came through once again. Swan Lake Strawberry Dark Saison was also quite dry and a tad on the watery side in terms of body – neither really doing much for it. When Swan Lake Strawberry Dark Saison had warmed up, there was a slight twinge of strawberry, but kind of like the artificial flavours found in sweets. It finished off with a lingering roasted malt with a hint of toffee, but by that point I’d given up on it.

Swan Lake Strawberry Dark Saison The Bottom Line

Swan Lake Strawberry Dark Saison tasted amateurish – a surprise and a waste of good malts.

Where to Buy Swan Lake Strawberry Dark Saison

Swan Lake Strawberry Dark Saison can be bought online at the following places

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