Coedo Kosancha Saison is a 5% saison from Coedo, based in Saitama, Japan. It’s part of their draft only range and is brewed using locally sourced Sayama tea leaves. The name roughly translated into “little mountain tea” in English. Coedo Kosancha Saison was first released in October 2017.
Coedo Kosancha Saison Aroma and Taste
Coedo Kosancha Saison came out a reasonably clear golden straw colour with a fluffy white old on top. No points for guessing where it was drunk either. It had a strong grapefruit and lemon aroma though if there was any tea in there, then it was quite weak in comparison. It also had a distinctive yeasty aroma to it too though that faded fast from the nose.
The body was quite crisp, with the hints of grapefruit and lemon bringing along a tart kick to the body as well. The tea flavour was a little more pronounced in the body though still faint and didn’t really register until Coedo Kosancha Saison had warmed up somewhat. The yeast brought a spicy kick to it with some phenolic notes to it, but they were quite soft and not abrasive. It finished off as it started with the citrus flavours lingering on the palate before fading fast.
Coedo Kosancha Saison The Bottom Line
The addition of tea to Japanese beers leaves (no pun intended) me with mixed feelings – rarely do the tea flavours help a beer and they didn’t help Coedo Kosancha Saison. It’s nothing special really.