Y Market Dark Valley Oatmeal Stout by Y Market Brewing

Y Market Dark Valley Oatmeal Stout is a 6% oatmeal stout from Y Market Brewing, based in Aichi, Japan. It’s part of their draft range of craft beer and can be found on tap across Japan. As the name suggests, Y Market Dark Valley Oatmeal Stout does contain oatmeal though the exact amount is unknown at the time of writing, though we do know it also contains imported Horizon and Fuggles hops from the US. At the time of writing, there are no plans for Y Market Dark Valley Oatmeal Stout to join the bottled range Y Market Brewing are putting out.

Y Market Dark Valley Oatmeal Stout

Sometimes you just have to stop with the black malt.

Y Market Dark Valley Oatmeal Stout Aroma and Taste

Y Market Dark Valley Oatmeal Stout poured out a thick black colour with a tan head that lingered before fading to an oily slick on top. The aroma was distinctly acrid black malts though there was some semblance of chocolate when it had warmed up. Interspersed was some hint of liquorice but overall, the black malts were too strong and dominated over other aromas that may have been present.

The body of Y Market Dark Valley Oatmeal Stout was more of the same really and I have to admit, I struggled to finish a whole pint of it. While the body was slightly creamy with hints of chocolate, the black malts were way too much and overpowered anything that may have been trying to come through. Y Market Dark Valley Oatmeal Stout had some layer of smokiness to it that may have been deliberate. However, in the end, Y Market Dark Valley Oatmeal Stout had just too much acrid flavours going on to be enjoyed and it became a struggle to finish it off.

Y Market Dark Valley Oatmeal Stout The Bottom Line

With Y Market Dark Valley Oatmeal Stout, Y Market Brewing has shown they are much more suited to making pale ales and IPAs rather than stouts and porters.

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1 comment

Collin February 28, 2017 - 6:58 pm

I had the same experience with their Black IPA and one other dark ale. Just too acrid. Especially the CDA/BlIPA which shouldn’t have that quality at all


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