Tainai Kogen Weizen by Tainai Kogen Beer

Tainai Kogen Weizen is a 5% German hefeweizen style beer from Tainai Kogen Beer, brewed in Tainai city in Niigata. It’s brewed to a traditional Bavarian recipe that uses a minimum of 50% wheat malt and, urgh, is advertised as being recommended for women. Why men can’t drink wheat beers is beyond me but according to Tainai Kogen Beer, Tainai Kogen Weizen is low in bitterness and fruity, something they feel “women need in their beers”.

Tainai Kogen Weizen

Just because this beer is advertised towards women, doesn’t mean men can’t drink it.

Tainai Kogen Weizen Aroma and Taste

When I saw the advertising blurb for Tainai Kogen Weizen, I was going to ask my wife to drink it and review it as I felt my taste buds had been dulled, if not killed off, by too many IPAs or stouts. But no. I refused to bow down to social pressures and chose to drink it myself. So take that Tainai Kogen Beer marketing department – a man drank your beer!

Tainai Kogen Weizen poured out a dark golden colour that verged on brown, with a small amount of frothy head on top – not the most appetising of beers really I’ve had, but then hefeweizens are unfiltered. Perhaps it had gone off in the bottle? There was a surprisingly little amount of head considering weizens are known for having heads so fluffy you could rest your head on them. In terms of aroma, there was a meagre amount of soapy banana coming off of it and some wheat followed by cloves. It didn’t look like a weizen but it smelt like one.

The taste is more average than the aroma with wheat and banana being the dominant flavours that was held together by a considerably watery body. It carried on like for this during drinking until some weird funky sourness began to develop. The bottle was most definitely in date but it seemed that the sourness was a deliberate inclusion?

Tainai Kogen Weizen Aroma and Taste

Up until the sourness developed, Tainai Kogen Weizen was an ok weizen but nothing special nor worth hunting out for.

Where to Buy Tainai Kogen Weizen

Tainai Kogen Weizen can be bought online at the following places:


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