Noboribetsu Red Ale by Noboribetsu Beer

Noboribetsu Red Ale, also known as Oni Densetsu Red Ale, is an amber ale that channels monsters found locally into a conveniently portable bottle. Of course, we may be telling a lie there, but the monster on the front scares us. Noboribetsu Red Ale is based on an English amber ale recipe and can be found in cans and bottles but most importantly, it is an award-winning beer, having won awards in 2003 to 2005.

Noboribetsu Red Ale

Don’t anger the monster on the front.

Noboribetsu Red Ale Aroma and Taste

Noboribetsu Red Ale poured out a very deep reddish-brown colour with minimal head. Perhaps I had angered the monster as there wasn’t much life to this beer. A big shame as I was expecting something with some punch and life to it. If you’re going to put a monster on the front, then you better make sure your beer personifies that image. There was a distinct caramel malty aroma to Noboribetsu Red Ale, though not really in balance with hops that didn’t seem to come through in the aroma. For a “premium beer”, it didn’t seem to be trying to push the boat out.

Before I go off on a rant a la Joe’s Soapbox, whenever I see the word “premium” on a bottle, I have become so jaded by it that I assume now it is marketing policy and ignore it. Even with Noboribetsu Red Ale, I wasn’t expecting much and glad I didn’t too. It isn’t a bad beer by any means, with the malty aroma moving into a malty body with a better balance of hops. It’s just that Noboribetsu Red Ale didn’t really tantalise the taste buds nor did it send them tingling. It finished off with a meagre bitter flourish that lasted mere seconds before disappearing.

Noboribetsu Red Ale One Line Review

If you find Noboribetsu Red Ale cheap, then it wouldn’t be a bad buy, but don’t go expecting a good amber ale. Average at best.

Where to Buy Noboribetsu Red Ale

Noboribetsu Red Ale can be bought from the Noboribetsu Beer online store here. I picked up my bottle from Nomono in Akihabara.

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