Oirase Dark Lager by Oirase Brewing Company

Oirase Dark Lager is a dunkel style beer from Oirase Brewing Company and was a souvenir from a friend of ours, thanks again Hiro. Trouble is, he forgot to tell us much about the beer and there is very little information about it on the Oirase Brewing Company homepage. Oirase Dark Lager is brewed along the lines of a pilsner but has roasted malt added to it during the mashing process.

Oirase Dark Lager

According to the brewery website, this is “literally” black.

Oirase Dark Lager Aroma and Taste

Oirase Dark Lager had a fair dark body, although saying it is black is a misnomer really as it was a dark brown colour in this light. Still, not complaining as it is dark and the potency of the roasted malts were the main aroma off Oirase Dark Lager. The large, frothy head lingered for a while before grasping to the edges of the glass in the vain hope until the creaminess came through as well. Lots of other notes came through, such as chocolate and vanilla but nowhere near as strong as the others.

Because Oirase Dark Lager is based on a pilsner recipe, the body has a light, watery feeling to it that just doesn’t really suit the darker aromas and tastes but stick with it. The roasted malt and chocolate flavours come through and hold the beer together, lending the beer some depth to the body. The bitter, astringent aftertaste was unexpected and didn’t really suit it.

Oirase Dark Lager One Line Review

Oirase Dark Lager is perplexing, confusing, mysterious and yet seems to work somehow.

Where to Buy Oirase Dark Lager

Oirase Dark Lager can be bought at Nomano in Akihabara station here. Else, it can be bought on the Oirase Brewing Company store here.

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