Nara Brewing Nothing Special : Background
Nara Brewing Nothing Special is a 6% Scotch ale from Nara Brewing Company, based in Nara. It’s part of their canned and draught lineup, though its availability is unknown at the time of writing. Nara Brewing Nothing Special is also a collaborative beer, with this having been brewed with Matsumoto Brewery, based in Matsumoto, Nagano. Nara Brewing Nothing Special is brewed with Chevallier Heritage Malt, and uses Willamette and Magnum hops, neither of which are traditionally associated with a Scotch ale. The beer takes its names from Nara Brewing Company making styles of beers that perhaps nowadays are seen as “bland, boring, or simple”. And just to shake things up a bit, this beer is also a nitro, so whatever you do, make sure you gently shake and wake the beer before pouring.

Nara Brewing Nothing Special : At A Glance
- ABV : 6%
- Style : Scotch ale
- Hops : Magnum and Willamette
- Adjuncts : –
- IBU : 19
Nara Brewing Nothing Special : Sale Information
- Availability : Limited
- On Sale : From November 2023
- Size : 350ml
Nara Brewing Nothing Special : Appearance
Ruby amber brown colour with a massive thick off-white head that lingers and clings to the side of the glass throughout drinking, remaining at the end in spite of all the beer having gone.
Nara Brewing Nothing Special : Aroma
Nutty caramel aroma with a slight herbal and floral nose to the beer. There is a smoothness to the aroma that has some hints of burnt sugar as it warms up and slight yeasty aroma to Nara Brewing Nothing Special. Very much a malt forward beer with no discernible hop aroma.
Nara Brewing Nothing Special : Taste
Smooth – like drinking velvet. The nutty caramel malty flavour is a delight to drink and light for the 6% body. As the beer warms up, it opens up some more with a touch of alcohol warmth being present with it being slightly sweet in the aftertaste.
Nara Brewing Nothing Special : The Bottom Line
Simply a fantastic beer – I want more of this.
Nara Brewing Nothing Special : Where to Buy
Nara Brewing Nothing Special can be bought online at the following places: