Daisen G Gougin by Kumezakura Shuzo

Daisen G Gougin is a 7% specialty grain beer from Kumezakura Shuzo, based in Tottori, in Tottori, Japan. It’s part of their regular lineup, and can be found in both bottles and on tap at various locations across Japan. Daisen G Gougin is brewed using a ginjo sake strain of yeast and also rice that has been cultivated at the base of Mount Daisen.

Daisen G Gougin

Daisen G Gougin Aroma and Taste

Daisen G Gougin poured out a hazy golden amber colour with a massive amount of plump white head on top that clung to the side of the glass, leaving some streaks down the side of the glass. There was a distinctly sake-like aroma to the beer – a very light dusting of rice with some phenolic hints in the background. The malts were more bready and pilsner like than anything else but in terms of hops – nothing. Not a single drop of hop aroma coming through in Daisen G Gougin.

With no hop aroma going on, you can probably guess the level of bitterness in Daisen G Gougin. Zero. Daisen G Gougin was all about the sake flavours that I am no expert in. There was a distinctly ricey and phenolic flavour in the beer with some lingering fruitiness of lemon going on but it was smooth and well-balanced in the body. No abrasive alcohol heat flavours or off flavours going on – some people may not like the phenols in the beer but they are not overpowering nor do they detract from the sake properties.

Daisen G Gougin The Bottom Line

Daisen G Gougin is a tasty little beer that was a good surprise.

Where to Buy Daisen G Gougin

Daisen G Gougin can be bought online at the following places:

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