Devilcraft Pogo Punch by Devilcraft Brewery

Devilcraft Pogo Punch is a 5.5% fruited hazy pale ale from Devilcraft Brewery, based in Tokyo, Japan. It’s part of their bottled and draught lineup, though its availability at the time of writing is unknown. Devilcraft Pogo Punch is brewed using “juice” though specifically it’s supposed to be passion fruit, orange, and also guava.

Devilcraft Pogo Punch

Devilcraft Pogo Punch Aroma and Taste

Devilcraft Pogo Punch poured out a slightly hazy golden colour with a plump white head on top that faded quickly to a much thinner one, though it did leave some streaks down the side of the glass. Unsurprisingly, Devilcraft Pogo Punch had a strong fruity aroma of oranges, passion fruit, and guava. There was a touch of malt sweetness going on but it was the fruit juices that exploded on the olfactory senses. 

Devilcraft Pogo Punch excelled much better in the body, with a juicy tartness of fruit going on that was thirst quenching and a little bit sweet. The flavours were not a surprise – if you’re going to add juice to ramp up the flavours, the Devilcraft Pogo Punch shows how to do it. The main flavours of orange, passion fruit, and guava stayed strong throughout drinking, and increased in strength as the beer warmed up. There wasn’t any hoppy bitterness to Devilcraft Pogo Punch, in spite of it being a pale ale, as the fruit really did dominate over everything else.

Devilcraft Pogo Punch The Bottom Line

Devilcraft Pogo Punch packs a fruity punch of juice, but maybe dial it back?

Where to Buy Devilcraft Pogo Punch

Devilcraft Pogo Punch can be bought online at the following places:

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