Shiokaze Mango Impact Ale by Shiokaze BrewLab

Shiokaze Mango Impact Ale is a 6% fruited American IPA from Shiokaze BrewLab, based in Soga, in Chiba, Japan. It’s part of their collaborative lineup with a local curry shop in the area, and can be found both in bottles and on tap. As the name suggests, Shiokaze Mango Impact Ale uses mango puree during the fermentation process.

Shiokaze Mango Impact Ale

Shiokaze Mango Impact Ale Aroma and Taste

Shiokaze Mango Impact Ale poured out a slightly dark orange colour with a plump white head on top that clung to the side of the glass throughout drinking. The aroma was of course one of mango – from chilled to warmed up – it was all about the mango. There was a slight hint of citrus lemon to Shiokaze Mango Impact Ale but that was perhaps the only non-mango aroma going on in the beer.

The body was quite thick and gloopy – much thicker than your usual fruited beer so I’m guessing that the mango puree was added after fermentation had finished. The flavour was all about the mango in the body, with a surprisingly bitter kick to Shiokaze Mango Impact Ale. The mango lingered right through drinking, which made the beer feel more like an alcoholic fruit juice with a hint of lemon bitterness. I didn’t get anything from the malts.

Shiokaze Mango Impact Ale The Bottom Line

If you like mangoes, then you’ll like Shiokaze Mango Impact Ale.

Where to Buy Shiokaze Mango Impact Ale

Shiokaze Mango Impact Ale can only be bought at Shiokaze BrewLab at the time of writing.

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