AJB Coffee Imperial Milk Stout by Anglo-Japanese Brewing Company

AJB Coffee Imperial Milk Stout is an 8.5% imperial milk stout from Anglo-Japanese Brewing Company, based in Nozawa-Onsen, in Nagano, Japan. It’s part of their draft and bottled lineup, though its availability at the time of writing is unknown. AJB Coffee Imperial Milk Stout is brewed with Maris Otter, Pale Ale, Munich, Chocolate, Crystal Teak, Black Wheat Malt, Flaked Oats, and Flaked Wheat, while being hopped with Northern Brewer hops. AJB Coffee Imperial Milk Stout also contains a healthy amount of coffee and lactose for good measure, though where the coffee is sourced from is unknown.

AJB Coffee Imperial Milk Stout ・AJBコーヒー・インペリアル・ミルク・スタウト

AJB Coffee Imperial Milk Stout Aroma and Taste

AJB Coffee Imperial Milk Stout poured out a pitch black colour with a medium amount of sticky tan head that clung to the side of the glass throughout drinking. The aroma was mostly one of coffee and cream, but if you put enough of those two into any beer then that is the aroma you can expect to get in your beer I guess. There was a hint of chocolate when chilled, though when AJB Coffee Imperial Milk Stout warmed up, there was some stronger aromas of coffee coming through. Kind of smelt like I expected to smell like really. Though AJB Coffee Imperial Milk Stout clocked in at 8.5%, there was no sense of booziness to it at all. A word of warning for those who drink their beers a little too quickly.

AJB Coffee Imperial Milk Stout was smoother than expected though – no semblance of acridity from the black malts – this beer was all about the coffee and creaminess in the body. A very silky smooth rounded body with some dark chocolate bitterness coming along too once AJB Coffee Imperial Milk Stout had warmed up. The booziness didn’t come through any of the flavours, but those coffee and lactose flavours were big and bold, not wanting to let anything get through them it seemed. AJB Coffee Imperial Milk Stout left a smooth coffee and creamy aftertaste – are you even surprised now – with just a faint chocolate flavour behind it.

AJB Coffee Imperial Milk Stout The Bottom Line

Smooth, rich, and flavourful. The main danger is that it is really easy drinking.

Where to Buy AJB Coffee Imperial Milk Stout

AJB Coffee Imperial Milk Stout can be bought online at the following places:

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