Octone Upstream IPA by Octone Brewing

by Rob

Octone Upstream IPA is a 6.5% American IPA from Octone Brewing, based in Minakami, in Gunma, Japan. It’s part of their regular lineup and can be found in both bottles and tap. Okutone Upstream IPA is brewed using imported Cascade, Citra, Simcoe, and Amarillo hops from the USA.

Octone Upstream IPA・オクトワンアップストリーム IPA

Octone Upstream IPA Aroma and Taste

Octone Upstream IPA poured out a slightly hazy dark golden straw colour with a plump white head on top that collapsed fast in on itself. Octone Upstream IPA had a mixed aroma of citrus fruits, with lemon and grapefruit coming through first, and then a slight resiny pine aroma also coming through once Octone Upstream IPA had warmed up a little. The body was quite dry, with just a slight hint of sweetness in the body. Despite the bottle having the word “juicy” emblazoned on the side, Octone Upstream IPA didn’t have the punchy, fruity aroma of one.

The initial taste of Octone Upstream IPA was a bitter one – it certainly packed a punch and didn’t let up for a while. The flavours to Octone Upstream IPA were similar to the nose – a large citrusy bundle of lemon and grapefruit with a lingering resinous pine underbite to it once it had warmed up. I was hoping for something more tropical – perhaps even something more orangey – but alas it wasn’t meant to be really. The malts had a subtle sweetness to them but nothing lingering or was overpowering.

Octone Upstream IPA The Bottom Line

Octone Upstream IPA is drinkable but not going to rock your world.

Where to Buy Octone Upstream IPA

Octone Upstream IPA can be bought online at the following places:

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