Numazu Baikamo IPA by Kakitagawa Brewing

Numazu Baikamo IPA is a 7% English IPA from Kakitagawa Brewing, based in Numazu, in Shizuoka, Japan. It’s part of their regular lineup and can be found in both bottles and on tap. Numazu Baikamo IPA is brewed using imported Simcoe and Amarillo hops.

Numazu Baikamo IPA 1・沼津ばいかもIPA1Numazu Baikamo IPA 2・沼津ばいかもIPA2

Numazu Baikamo IPA Aroma and Taste

Numazu Baikamo IPA poured out a dark orange brown colour and a large frothy white head on top. I’m glad that I had read up about Numazu Baikamo IPA beforehand as with most IPAs in Japan, they tend to be based around American IPAs, and Numazu Baikamo IPA spectacularly failed at being one of those. However, as an English IPA, it worked really well. It had the same Maris Otter aroma I have grown accustomed to with English IPAs, but the citrus lemon and grapefruit nose coming through the maltiness of the beer. There was a faint buttery nose as well mixed in, but it wasn’t overpowering nor detract away from the aroma too much.

The initial sip of Numazu Baikamo IPA was more citrusy than malty; however, the balance between the malts and hops was good. The bitterness was rather restrained for those expecting something American IPA-like; however, the introduction of American hops did mean that the East Kent Golding and Fuggles were thankfully left on the counter brewery. The underlying bitterness never really grew either, instead just lying slightly under the radar for the majority of drinking. Once Numazu Baikamo IPA had warmed up, the butteriness did come through a bit more but that was to be expected in an English IPA.

Numazu Baikamo IPA The Bottom Line

It’s nice to drink an IPA that isn’t just bitterness through drinking, though those new to English IPAs may find Numazu Baikamo IPA a little too buttery for them.

Where to Buy Numazu Baikamo IPA

Numazu Baikamo IPA can be bought online at the following places:

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