AJB Euro IPA by Anglo-Japanese Brewing Company

AJB Euro IPA is a 6.8% American / European IPA from Anglo-Japanese Brewing Company, based in Nozawa-Onsen, in Nagano, Japan. It’s part of their draft only range and can be found on tap at various places in Japan. While AJB Euro IPA has an American IPA base, it uses imported European Alsace, Ariana, Calista, Hüll Melon, Mistral, and Polaris hops at a rate of 20g per litre of beer. At the time of writing, it’s unknown whether AJB Euro IPA is a one-off or if we can expect to see it again in the future.

Cruz Burgers & Craft Beer Beer 2・クルズバーガーズ アンド クラフトビアビール2


AJB Euro IPA Aroma and Taste

Excuse the glass – it wasn’t my fault it came out like that. I hate a dirty glass as much as the next OCD inflicted person, so I did ask for a new one but I forgot to take a picture of it.

AJB Euro IPA poured out a slightly hazy golden light orange colour with a thick sticky white head on top that clung to the side of the glass. It had pungent citrusy tropical fruit aroma to it with lemons, oranges, and pineapples coming through, along with a slight peppery nose once it had been given the chance to warm up. The malts brought a faint sweet nose to AJB Euro IPA but they paled in comparison to the malts.

It had a slight initial bitter kick to it, but nothing too potent or lingering. It was more of a tart lemon and orange flavour that eventually took over the flavours, with just a faint hint of malt sweetness coming through in the end. Once AJB Euro IPA had warmed up, there was a slight pepperiness to it as well, though it was quite subtle, it contrasted nicely against the tropical and citrus flavours. The lingering citrus lemon and orange notes clung on into the aftertaste, but faded quickly once AJB Euro IPA had warmed up.

AJB Euro IPA The Bottom Line

AJB Euro IPA is a nice little twist on an American / British IPA. Well worth trying to find.

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