Woodmill Brewery Kyoto Information

Woodmill Brewery Kyoto is a craft beer brewery located in the Kamigyo district of Kyoto, in Kansai, Japan. The brewery opened up in April 2018, and unlike other breweries in the area, has no taproom or bar of their own, relying on the sales of bottles and kegs of their beers. They use German and English malt and German and American hops as raw materials, and uses local Kyoto water taken from Lake Biwa as brewing water. The original brewery Woodmill Brewery Kyoto is a warehouse that was bought from Doshisha University, one of Kyoto’s largest universities. The name Woodmill Brewery Kyoto stems from the area the warehouse is located, with the kanji “挽” meaning “mill” in English, and “木” meaning “wood” in English. Like other Japanese companies that did this, the words were reversed and “Woodmill” was born.

Woodmill Brewery Kyoto Lineup

These are some of the beers from Woodmill Brewery Kyoto that we’ve had

  • Woodmill Yawaragi IPA – a 5% English IPA with its name translating into “peace”, so a beer to calm everyone down.
  • Woodmill Golden Ale – a 5% golden ale brewed fermented at a lower temperature than usual.
  • Woodmill Hassaku White – a 5% witbier brewed using locally grown hassaku, which is similar to an orange in color but the size of a grapefruit.
  • Woodmill Pale Ale – a 5% English pale ale brewed using Maris Otter malt imported from the UK.

Woodmill Brewery Kyoto Details

Address: 528 Hikigichō, Kamigyō-ku, Kyoto, 602-0065

Phone: 075-406-1463

Homepage (in Japanese): https://woodmill-brewery.kyoto/

Store: N/A

Social Media: Facebook / Instagram / Twitter

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