Y Market Techno Pils by Y Market Brewing

Y Market Techno Pils is a 5.5% pilsner from Y Market Brewing, based in Nagoya, in Aichi, Japan. It’s part of their regular lineup and can be found in both cans and on tap. Y Market Techno Pils is brewed using imported German malts though like the rest of their beers, it uses imported US hops in the form of Amarillo and Horizon. The name comes from the German brewing equipment that Y Market had installed in the opening of their new brewery.

Y Market Techno Pils・Yマーケットテクノピルス

Y Market Techno Pils Aroma and Taste

Y Market Techno Pils (untz untz untz) poured out a slight hazy golden yellow colour with a small amount of thin white head on top. Y Market Techno Pils had a slight lemon and pineapple nose to it – a bit unusual for a pilsner personally but seeing as this is an amalgamation of American and German styles, it was interesting. The malts brought a subtle biscuit pilsner nose to the beer – slightly sweet but just enough to cut through the citrus aromas from the hops.

The body to Y Market Techno Pils was more of the same – a subtle sweetness with a citrus kick to it. The body was crisp and dry and brought a soothing respite from the hot summer-like day it was drunk on. While some purists may turn their nose up with the addition of American hops but it’s something different and the lack of noble-like hop flavour wasn’t missed to be honest. The lingering citrus hops stayed through into the aftertaste.

Y Market Techno Pils The Bottom Line

Y Market Techno Pils is a nice little pilsner – I’d definitely crush a few more of these on a hot summer’s day.

Where to Buy Y Market Techno Pils

Y Market Techno Pils can be bought online at the following places:

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