Locobeer Saison de Seigle by Locobeer

by Rob

Locobeer Saison de Seigle is a 5.5% saison from Locobeer, based in Chiba, Japan. It’s part of their summer lineup and can be found in bottles and on tap when on sale. Locobeer Saison de Seigle is brewed using imported rye malt – not your usual ingredient for a saison, but they are a style of beer where anything goes at times.

Locobeer Saison de Seigle ロコビアライ麦セゾン

Locobeer Saison de Seigle Aroma and Taste

Locobeer Saison de Seigle poured out a dark orange colour – much darker than other saisons I’ve had on BeerTengoku. Saisons are a weird style of beer that has so many different ideas that everything seems to be ok – including adding rye. The peppery notes from the beer were noted when Locobeer Saison de Seigle was both chilled and warmed up. This peppery aroma contrasted nicely with the citrus lemon aroma. There wasn’t much yeast funk though on Locobeer Saison de Seigle – something that would have been nice but perhaps would have muddied up the aromas somewhat. That frothy white head faded quite fast to a few bubbles around the side of the glass.

The peppery flavour was the first to come through during drinking, but the citrus lemon bite chased it up quickly, almost washing the palate clean. Both of the those flavours though faded pretty fast in comparison to the aromas, which was a shame considering how long those lasted. As Locobeer Saison de Seigle warmed up though, there was a hint of Belgian yeast funk that came though, leaving a slightly fruity funk on the palate.

Locobeer Saison de Seigle The Bottom Line

I do like me some rye in my beers and Locobeer Saison de Seigle is interesting enough to warrant a try.

Where to Buy Locobeer Saison de Seigle

Locobeer Saison de Seigle can be bought at the following places:

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