AJB Sumizome Sakura no Sei by Anglo-Japanese Brewing Company

AJB Sumizome Sakura no Sei is a 7% black IPA from Anglo-Japanese Brewing Company, based in Nozawa Onsen, in Nagano, Japan. It can be found in bottles and on tap at the time of writing, though whether it’s a one-off or not, is unknown. AJB Sumizome Sakura no Sei takes its name from the story of a black cherry tree in Kyoto. It’s unknown if that tree still exists or not, but one day, we’ll find out if it does.

AJB Sumizome Sakura no Sei・AJB墨染桜の精

AJB Sumizome Sakura no Sei Aroma and Taste

AJB Sumizome Sakura no Sei poured out a dark treacly brownish black colour with a slight tan / off-white head to it, though that head didn’t last long. There was a lemony piney aroma to the beer, along with some hints of roasted barley to AJB Sumizome Sakura no Sei once it had warmed up. The malts also produced a subtle biscuit base but the hops were first and foremost the focus of this beer.

AJB Sumizome Sakura no Sei is advertised as being a dry beer, and for good reason. It was. The crisp lemon bitterness came through first, but it’s a deceiving beer as the dark colour of the body didn’t bring the usually thick body associated with it. The body was thin and though it weighed in at 7%, AJB Sumizome Sakura no Sei was neither boozy nor produced any alcohol heat. The lemon and piney resinous body did take away from some of the roasted malts. Fans of coffee and chocolate in their dark beers would struggle to find anything like that in AJB Sumizome Sakura no Sei, unless you let it really warm up somewhat. It finished off with a slight roasted acrid taste; however, the citrus flavours quickly put any notion of it lingering away.

AJB Sumizome Sakura no Sei The Bottom Line

AJB Sumizome Sakura no Sei is a cracking little beer from AJB, and would happily welcome more it.

Where to Buy AJB Sumizome Sakura no Sei

AJB Sumizome Sakura no Sei can be bought online at the following places:

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