Sankt Gallen Banana Chocolate Stout by Sankt Gallen

Sankt Gallen Banana Chocolate Stout is a 7% stout from Sankt Gallen, based in Atsugi, in Kanagawa, Japan. It can be found in both bottles and on tap, with the latter seeing a limited release. Sankt Gallen Banana Chocolate Stout is part of Sankt Gallen’s annual Valentine release and as such, won’t be released again. It is brewed using over 300kg of fresh imported bananas during the second fermentation stages along with some lactose too.

Sankt Gallen Banana Chocolate Stout・サンクトガーレンバナナチョコレートスタウトSankt Gallen Banana Chocolate Stout Aroma and Taste

Sankt Gallen Banana Chocolate Stout poured out a pitch black colour with a frothy tan head on top that expanded and expanded as time went on. It only began to collapse in on itself once it had warmed up somewhat – something that is really necessary if you want to get the banana aroma out of Sankt Gallen Banana Chocolate Stout. There wasn’t much going on when it was chilled, though when it had warmed up, there was subtle creamy banana pudding-like aroma to it. Combine this with some roasted malts and chocolate and you have a funky little pudding beer going on.

The smoothness to Sankt Gallen Banana Chocolate Stout should not be underestimated. Stouts can sometimes be rough around the edges due to the black malts used, but Sankt Gallen Banana Chocolate Stout had none of that – a huge surprise for me. The banana and lactose combined nicely with the coffee and chocolate flavours but… and there has to be one… the flavours did seem muted. Sankt Gallen aren’t known for big, bold flavours, but it would have been nice to have seen some more banana flavours coming through. Perhaps next time go for 500kgs in the beer? Sankt Gallen Banana Chocolate Stout finished off with some more muted flavours and was soon forgettable.

Sankt Gallen Banana Chocolate Stout The Bottom Line

I do like how Sankt Gallen try new flavours each year but this year’s just seem a bit weak.

Where to Buy Sankt Gallen Banana Chocolate Stout

Sankt Gallen Banana Chocolate Stout can be bought at the following places:

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