Shiga Kogen 1t IPA Habanero by Tamamura Honten

Shiga Kogen 1t IPA Habanero is a 9.5% Double IPA / Imperial IPA from Tamamura Honten, based in Yamanouchi, in Nagano, Japan. It’s a collaboration with Mellow Yellow, makers of some awesome habanero sauces in Japan, and Shiga Kogen 1t IPA Habanero uses the Shiga Kogen 1t IPA as its base。The beer uses chemical-free locally green habaneros too.

Shiga Kogen 1t IPA Habanero・志賀高原1t IPAハバネロ

Shiga Kogen 1t IPA Habanero Aroma and Taste

First of all, it poured out a hazy orange colour with a plump white head on top that faded to a thin ring around the side of the glass. I have to admit that I drank Shiga Kogen 1t IPA Habanero after coming off of a stinker of a cold – nose bunged up, muted taste buds – and was wondering if it was a good idea to drink. Well how about clearing out the sinuses.

Shiga Kogen 1t IPA Habanero did that from the aroma alone.

I don’t find habaneros particularly spicy but Shiga Kogen 1t IPA Habanero had some heat coming off the nose. The pungency of the peppers was noticeable when the beer was chilled, and even more so once it had warmed up. Combine this with some citrus notes of lemon and orange from the hops and Shiga Kogen 1t IPA Habanero is a perplexing beer.

I’ve had spicy beers before – heck I’ve had some vegetable and herb beers before – but Shiga Kogen 1t IPA Habanero packs a definite spicy punch. For those that don’t like spicy foods, then avoid Shiga Kogen 1t IPA Habanero – it has got kick and will knock you if you are timid in the slightest. But the flavours work – for me. The spicy fruitiness of the habanero comes through, balanced out by a subtle bitterness from the hops. The spiciness does come to be one-dimensional after a while, but balanced out with the malts and hops, there is some development of flavours to Shiga Kogen 1t IPA Habanero. There is a lingering heat to the beer – even after a few minutes.

Shiga Kogen 1t IPA Habanero The Bottom Line

Drink Shiga Kogen 1t IPA Habanero slowly and you’ll be fine. Avoid though if you don’t like spicy beers.

Where to Buy Shiga Kogen 1t IPA Habanero

Shiga Kogen 1t IPA Habanero can be bought online at the following places:

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