Home Beer Review Songbird Solidago by Songbird Beer

Songbird Solidago by Songbird Beer

by Rob
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Songbird Solidago is a 5% Belgian ale from Songbird Beer, based in Kizarasu, in Chiba, Japan. It’s part of their limited edition lineup (check out the handwriting label!) and can be found in bottles. Songbird Solidago is brewed using locally grow rye malt and also parts of the solidago flower, more commonly known as Canada goldenrod, another locally grown ingredient despite its name. It’s then bottle conditioned for 8 months. At the time of writing, it’s unknown if Songbird Solidago is a one-off brew or will be made again.

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Songbird Solidago Aroma and Taste

Not having heard much about Songbird Solidago before buying it, I was eager to try it. Brewery Songbird have been producing some really interesting beers of late and I’ve not had the chance to find them. Thanks to Chouseiya, I managed to source a few out!

Songbird Solidago poured out a hazy dark orange brown colour with a minimal amount of white head on top. That head faded fast to leave a few bubbles around the outside of the glass. The beer had a strong malty, peppery aroma to it, with some funky Belgian yeast coming off of it too. There was an unusual spicy flavour to it – something like aniseed but it was quite faint.  Having never seen the solidago plant (the pic above on the right) nor tried it, I didn’t know what I was supposed to be looking out for.

The body to Songbird Solidago was peppery at first, with a slight sour Belgian funk to it, that was more pleasant than unpleasant. At 5%, the alcohol didn’t come through the myriad of flavours going on – peppery, yeasty, aniseed, and malty. Songbird Solidago finished off with a lingering herbal flavour to it, with the pepperiness from the rye just holding on for a bit.


Songbird Solidago The Bottom Line

Songbird Solidago is an interesting take on a style of beer that welcomes innovation.

Where to Buy Songbird Solidago

Songbird Solidago can be bought online at the following places:

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