Home Beer Review Hida Alt by Hida Ji-Beer

Hida Alt by Hida Ji-Beer

by Rob
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Hida Alt is a 5% alt beer from Hida Ji-Beer, based in Hida, in Gifu, Japan. It’s part of their all-year round range and can be found in both bottles and on tap at various places across the Gifu area. Hida Alt is brewed to a traditional Dusseldorf recipe.

Hida Alt 飛騨アルト

Hida Alt Aroma and Taste

The first thing you notice about Hida Alt is the colour – a deep rich copper red colour with a plump, slightly off-white head on top. It looked great beneath the kitchen lights with all its shimmering and shining. It’s a shame that the nose let it down – a butter bomb aka diacetyl. A little is ok in an alt, but not this much. It was so much that you could have mistaken Hida Alt for a lump of butter if it hadn’t had been for the faint caramel tones coming through.

The body carried on with the butteriness – proving to be too much along with the sourness permeating through. Hida Alt was off – no doubt about it – but it was well in date. The only saving grace about Hida Alt was at least the water profile was soft and the beer was at the right carbonation level.


Hida Alt The Bottom Line

Hida Alt entered the prestigious drain club – something this bad should not be released.

Where to Buy Hida Alt

Hida Alt can be bought online at the following places:

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