Far Yeast Strata IPA by Far Yeast Brewing Company

Far Yeast Strata IPA is a 5% American IPA from Far Yeast Brewing Company, based in Yamanashi, Japan. It’s part of their seasonal lineup, and can be found in bottles and on tap. It was first released in September at the Autumn Keyaki Festival. Far Yeast Strata IPA is brewed using Strata hops from the USA.Far Yeast Strata IPA by Far Yeast Brewing Companyファーイーストストラタアイピーエー

Far Yeast Strata IPA Aroma and Taste

Far Yeast Strata IPA poured out a hazy orange colour with a bright white head on top. It had the usual citrusy aroma with some lemons and a little bit of grapefruit but it smelt like a “safe” IPA. I like IPAs that push the envelope a bit – trying something new with some aromas or some yeast.

At 5%, Far Yeast Strata IPA is on the lower end of most American IPAs, and it seems to be that too for flavour. It lacks your usual bold, intense hoppiness for an IPA. The citrus and tropical flavours were more subtle than I like, but it does mine the sweetness of the malts came through. It finished off with a faint subtle citrus flavour but it faded fast.

Far Yeast Strata IPA The Bottom Line

I like Far Yeast beers when they try to push the flavour profile – Far Yeast Strata IPA just seemed a bit too safe and subdued for my liking.

Where to Buy Far Yeast Strata IPA

Far Yeast Strata IPA can be bought online at

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